The Origin and Evolution of Cell


The Origin and Evolution of Cell

Cells are divided into two main classes, based on whether they have a nucleus or not. In prokaryotic cells, nuclear envelope is absent whereas in eukaryotes it is present which separates the genetic material from the remaining cytoplasm. Prokaryotic cells are generally smaller and simpler than eukaryotic cells; in addition to the absence of a nucleus, they contain extrachromosomal DNA called plasmid and their genomes are less complex whereas they do not contain cytoplasmic organelles or a cytoskeleton. In spite of having all these differences, the working mechanisms of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes are similar, indicating that all present-day cells are descended from a single primordial ancestor.



The First Cell 


According to various research, we can say that the first cell came into existence around 3.8 billion years ago, approximately 750 million years after Earth was formed. How life originated and how the first cell came into being are a matter of guesswork, as the similar condition cannot be reproduced in the laboratory. Although, several types of experiments give us important evidence about the evolutionary process.

It was suggested in the 1920s for the first time, that simple organic molecules could form macromolecules by polymerization if provided the condition which is similar to primitive Earth's atmospheric conditions. At the time life first arose, the atmosphere of Earth is thought to be oxygen-free, instead of O2, consisting principally of C02 and N2 in addition to smaller amounts of other gases too such as H2, H2S, and CO. Such an atmosphere provides reducing conditions in which organic molecules, when provided with a source of energy such as sunlight or electrical discharge from lightning, can form spontaneously. 



Stanley Miller’s experiment (1950s)


In 1950's it was demonstrated experimentally that organic molecules can be formed when provided with necessary conditions. Stanley Miller when showed that the discharge of electric sparks into a mixture of H2, CH4, and NH3, in the presence of water, leads to the formation of a variety of organic molecules, including several amino acids. As it is merely speculation about the atmospheric condition present on the primitive earth, Miller's experiments could not exactly establish the conditions of primitive Earth, but they very clearly showed the possibility of the continuous synthesis of organic molecules when provided with the basic materials from which the first living organisms are formed.

Moving further towards evolution, the formation of macromolecules was the next step. The monomeric organic molecules which were the building blocks of macromolecules have been displayed to polymerize spontaneously under favorable conditions. For example, When a Dry mixture of amino acids is Heated, it results in a polymerization process which forms polypeptides. A very important characteristic of macromolecules is their ability to replicate, which leads to the evolution of life on Earth. Therefore only those macromolecules which had the ability to replicate further participated in the process of evolution of life on earth.


It is presumed that the first cell would have been formed when the self-replicating RNA was bounded in a membrane made up of phospholipids. Phospholipids are the components which lead to the formation of membrane, it is present in the plasma membrane of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In the modern period, it is present in all biological membranes. The important feature of the phospholipids is that it is Amphipathic in nature, meaning that one portion of the molecule is water soluble whereas the other portion is insoluble water. Phospholipids have long, water-insoluble tail group (hydrophobic) hydrocarbon chains joined to water-soluble (hydrophilic) head groups that contain phosphate groups. When placed in water, phospholipids arrange themselves into a bilayer with their hydrophilic group (phosphate-containing) present on the outside in contact with water whereas the hydrophobic tail (hydrocarbon chain) is present on the interior side in contact with each other. Such a phospholipid bilayer forms a stable barrier between two cells or the barrier between cell organelle and cytoplasm.


The enclosure of self-replicating RNA and it's related molecules in a phospholipid membrane would thus have maintained them as a single unit, which made them capable of self-reproduction which further lead to the process of evolution. It can be said that the synthesis of protein from RNA would have evolved till now, in this case, the first cell would have consisted of self-replicating RNA and their encoded protein.